Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Stock Plan Fundamentals—Online Pdf

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Register by March 16 for a $100 discount. Return the enclosed form or register online at today. Stock Plan Fundamentals—Online! NASPP. The NASPP presents Stock Plan Fundamentals--Online! Fu Sto nd ck OName Plan LIN nta E ls- The stock plan community relies upon the NASPP to provide up-to-date and comprehensive education. In 2007, our highly acclaimed Stock Plan Fundamentals program will once again be presented online. The program is newly revised and updated for 2007, so dont miss our first webcast on Tuesday, April 17, 2007, when we present the NASPPs premier online education program. Stock Plan Fundamentals The complex, overlapping standards governing stock plans ­ plus ongoing changes in accounting, taxation and required public disclosure ­ make it critical that anyone involved in plan administration develop a solid, working knowledge of the prevailing regulatory framework and best practices for effective plan management. Designed for professionals new to the field, the Stock Plan Fundamentals will bring you up to date with all regulatory requirements, as well as administrative best practices.

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